Burn Brighter With Us.

BurnBright is the premier tech-enabled, mass-tort focused legal claims processing support partner

BurnBright Legal Claims Processing Support

When faced with a mountain of critical tasks in mass torts or class actions, BurnBright can help your firm scale.


CaseFoundry™ provides the smartest case review and validation service on the market by using the best combination of AI and legal expertise.


ClaimantConnect™ ensures the highest quality customer service and
throughout the life of the litigation or settlement.


BurnBright handles a multitude of legal process support tasks for clients that need to burn brighter during critical projects with tight time frames.

The Clients We Help.

Our mass tort and class action focus goes beyond law firms and includes the critical groups throughout a litigation and settlement. Here are the most common types of clients we work with.


Service providers for law firms need help during surges of work. BurnBright can assist with timely, high-quality expertise.


Whether you’re in-house counsel or an external firm, BurnBright can supercharge your operations in mass torts or class actions.


Our extensive experience provides unique services for court appointed neutrals and special masters.

Our Commitment To Quality.

BurnBright has developed a proprietary professional development experience for its team members, combining state-of-the-art micro-learning technology with the latest insights from educational psychology.

Our commitment to deploy trained resources to our client’s projects requires rapid creation of skill-building content and effective assessment of the retention and application of those skills. The BurnBright approach equips and empowers our team with the knowledge to succeed.

Burn Brighter With Us.

Want to see if BurnBright is right for you? Complete the form to learn how BurnBright can take your firm’s operations to new heights.